Camping is one of our most popular activities. Our pack goes camping up to 4 times per year (October, December, February, April). We typically visit campgrounds within 60-90 minutes of SVdP.
This is car camping and no experience is required! We’ll help out anyone who may be a novice camper or does not have camping gear.
Gear and Tips for First Time Campers:
BSA Pack Overnighter Checklist
This document includes some gear suggestions from ScoutMasterGC.com with some additional thoughts by one our Den Leaders.
Frequently Asked Questions (By new Cub Families)
Q: I have never been camping. What should I do to prepare?
A: First... relax. Pack 505 camps in Scout property and Texas State Parks. These locations are relatively close to towns, have running water, flushing toilets (sometimes porta-potties), and showers. You will be camping with experienced families who are happy and excited to introduce you and your Scout to Cub Scout camping. We will help set up your tent, and provide your Scout with an amazing outdoor experience.
Q: Do I need to bring food?
A: You should coordinate with members of your den and your den leader for meals in camp. If you arrive on Friday night, Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, and Saturday lunch is your family's responsibility to coordinate (unless your den plans otherwise). Please reach out to your den leader about your dens plans for Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast.
Q: Does my Scout have to be in uniform?
A: Uniforms are not required, but they are an essential part of Scouting. Your Scout should be in uniform for flag ceremonies, the Saturday night campfire, and Sunday morning services. It is ok if they are a little stinky and the uniform is a little dirty... it is expected.
Q: May my Scout carry a pocket knife?
A: Bears and Webelos who have earned their Whittling Chip may carry a pocketknife while in camp IF THEY ALSO CARRY THEIR WHITTLING CHIP CARD. A Scout carrying their Whittling Chip card may use a knife only with direct adult supervision. Any adult who sees a pocketknife being used without adult supervision should take the pocket knife from the Scout and make the Scout's den leader AND Cubmaster aware of the violation.
Q: Are there wild animals? Snakes? Spiders?
A: Yes. And we will teach you and your Scout about them, and how to have a great outdoor experience in the woods where those spiders and snakes live.
Q: Can we bring the family pet?
A: Sorry, no. It is against BSA rules for us to have pets in camp. Why? Adding a half dozen labradoodles to a Cub Scout camp out of 60+ children is too much for even the most enthusiastic of Scout leaders.
Q: Will my kid (or I) have to ' go to the bathroom' in the woods?
A: Nature might call while you are out in nature, but worry not. At Cub Scout campouts, running water and flushing toilets are almost always a short hike away.
The Usual Rules for Pack 505 Camp Outs:
Plan meals with your Dens.
Make sure you check your email before departing in case of last minute weather related cancellations.
Cubs are welcome to bring their families and siblings. Moms, Dads, brothers and sisters are great to have in camp. Each Cub must have at least one parent or guardian on the campout.
Each Cub must share a tent with his own parent or guardian. Two older Cubs may share a tent, if there are no adults in the tent.
Fire Safety: Campfires must be attended at all times; fire buckets (provided by the Pack) must be placed at each campfire and unattended fires must be extinguished.
Medical forms are required for each attendee (parents, Cubs, siblings). We ask that you bring your BSA Medical Form A & B (https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_AB.pdf) to the October Pack meeting or to the campout. We will maintain these in a file through the year
This is car camping. Bring enough stuff to be comfortable. But please do not bring TVs radios, video games, etc. This is an opportunity to experience the outdoors.
In the event of dangerous weather the Pack will call off, delay, or reschedule the campout. Check your email before heading out. The Pack has leaders with BSA Weather Training and we will keep safety as the #1 priority
No open-toed shoes for any participant.
No alcohol or tobacco use during the event.
Bears and Webelos who have earned their Whittling Chip may use their pocket knife at this event. They must carry their Whittling Chip during the event. If they break a rule, they will lose a corner of their card.
Bring uniforms. We will wear uniforms on Saturday for Opening Ceremony and Campfire, and for Closing Ceremony on Sunday.