Akela's Corner
Akela's Corner is the a place for resources for our registered leaders and our Scout's trusted adults.
In Cub Scout packs, Akela (pronounced Ah-KAY-la) means "Good Leader". Akela is a symbol of wisdom, authority, and leadership. Akela is anyone who acts as a leader to the Scout. Akela can be a Cubmaster, Den Leader, parent or teacher depending on where the guidance takes place. In den meetings, it is the Den Leader who is Akela. During pack meetings it is the Cubmaster. At home, the parents fill this role.
Youth Protection Training (Mandatory for registered leaders)
Registered leaders: You are required to maintain current Youth Protection Training. Check your training date. If your YPT expires soon, please finish this course. (2.5 hours)
Trusted adults: All our our Scout's trusted adults are encouraged to complete Youth Protection Training.
This training is available through the Training tab on my.scouting.org
Leaders: Please do your best to complete your position specific training online. These courses are not meant to be finished all at once. Please start the courses as soon as possible. Our 2021 goal is 100% position specific training for all leaders.
BALOO (Basic Adult Leadership Outdoor Orientation)
We can never have enough BALOO trained leaders. BSA regulations require that we have at least one BALOO trained leader present at every campout. If we don’t have a BALOO trained leaders present, we cannot have a camp out. The course involves an overnight campout where you learn outdoor scouting skills. Please consider taking this one time course. If you have registered for BALOO, or already completed BALOO in prior year, please let me know.
WE NEED BALOO TRAINED LEADERS who have Lion and Tiger Scouts!
There are two BALOO trainings available in March.
See the schedule and register here: https://www.samhoustonbsa.org/training-schedule
Scouter Resources
Become a STEM Nova Counselor or Mentor
STEM is part of an initiative the Boy Scouts of America has taken on to encourage the natural curiosity of youth members and their sense of wonder about these fields through existing programs. All of our leaders are qualified to become STEM Nova Counselors. Those with additional knowledge or experience in STEM fields may qualify to be a Nova Mentor. For our registered leaders, it is less than an hour of training.
Go to the SHAC STEM Nova website or the Pack 505 STEM Nova Page (coming soon) to learn more.
The district monthly roundtable offers our leadership supplemental training and a connection to the Scouting organization outside of our pack. Roundtable is a district monthly meeting typically held the second Thursday of the month at Blanton Scout House located behind St. Luke's Methodist Church, 3471 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX 77027. Blanton Scout House is on West Alabama just east of Edloe. Roundtable is a form of supplemental training for volunteers and helps unit leaders plan and carry out their own program.
More information on the Twin Bayou District website.
Other Training Opportunities
These courses help improve our program, but they are not essential to our program.
University of Scouting <<--You SHOULD GO TO THIS!!!
November 13 - Location To Be Determined
Wood Badge <<--- AOL / Webelos Scouters, You should go to this too!!
First Aid and CPR Training
Learn more and how to register here.
Leave No Trace Training
Learn more and register here.
BB and Archery Rangemaster Training
Lead our Scouts at District or Council events on the BB and archery ranges.
Learn more and register here
Wilderness First Aid
Philmont Training Center
The Philmont Training Center offers leadership courses throughout the summer. You can hone your Scouter skills while you Scouts and siblings (of all ages) participate in summer camp programs at Philmont Scout Ranch. Registration is open now for these programs here
Visit the Sam Houston Area Council Training page for the most up to date training info from our council.
If you have taken these trainings, and want to continue in learning how to deliver an even better program for our Scouts, there are advanced trainings offered at places such as Philmont in New Mexico, Bechtel Summit Reserve in West Virgina, Sea Base in Florida. In the summer, Philmont offers a summer camp experience for families while the Scouter attends training.
Den Program Ideas
Information for den leaders.
Leader Awards and Recognition
Our registered leaders may be recognized for their service to our Scouts and our unit, for service to communities within Scouting, and for their efforts in conservation.
To learn more go to the BSA Adult Awards and Recognition or our Pack 505 Leader Awards page.