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Scouts to Seniors Service Project

Pack 505 Families:

Our service project for this month is for our Scouts to reach out to members of our community living in assisted living communities.

What?Your Scout should prepare a card, letter, art work, or other creation to share with a senior member of our community. The message should be positive and uplifting.

We have prepared a template for your Scout to use. Your Scout does not have to use this template.

Who?Your Scout may mail their cards, art, and other creations to residents at assisted living communities. We have reached out to two communities who welcome letters from our Scouts. If you know of another senior community, or individual, who is in need of uplifiting your Scout may send their cards to them.

THE GARDENS AT BELLAIRE 4620 Bellaire Boulevard, Bellaire, Houston, Texas 77401

CLAREWOOD HOUSE 7400 Clarewood Drive, Houston, Texas 77036

Help Us Track.Pack 505 needs to track our community service hours for reporting to our council.Please complete this form to help us report.

Please feel free to contact me (713) 471-4784 or atkyleverret@gmail.comif you have any questions about this project or Scouting while we Scout Remotely.

Remember, if your Scout has not made their rank yet, they can still work on advancement. If you need help with this, please reach out to me, Bonnie Nelson, and your den leader.

As Scouts, we are to "Help Other People At All Times." These times present special challenges to us, our children, and our communities. If you, your family, or someone you know is in need of anything, please reach out to me: (713) 471-4784

Yours in Scouting,

Kyle Verret

Cubmaster, Pack 505

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Pack 505 is an active group of families and students from several area schools in Houston, TX including St Vincent de Paul Catholic School, Roberts Elementary and The Rice School.


Chartered by St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church

6800 Buffalo Speedway

Houston, TX 77025

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